Our team

Jennifer White
Independent Investigator, Lawyer, Mediator and Trainer
Jennifer White is an experienced and well-respected third-party investigator and lawyer with an expertise in safe sport, sexual misconduct, harassment and maltreatment investigations.
As an external party, Jennifer is retained to investigate complaints and to determine what happened and if there have been any violations of policy or law.
Jennifer has over twenty years’ experience as a trusted resource for organizations who need to understand the facts and to make decisions based on these facts. After a successful career as a lawyer, Jennifer has been doing investigation work only since 2016.
Jennifer is resourceful, thorough and meticulous in her work. She understands the importance of providing procedural fairness to all participants as well as providing clear and detailed reports that withstand judicial scrutiny.
Jennifer understands sport from the athlete, coach and parent perspective. Her favourite sports are ringette, hockey, rugby and triathlon.
A Member of the Law Society of Ontario, the Canadian Bar Association and the Association of Workplace Investigators. She on the independent investigator roster with the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (previously SDRCC.)
Jennifer is often asked to speak publicly about the role and importance of third party investigators.

Megan Forward
Workplace Investigation and Training Lawyer
Megan Forward is a lawyer who specializes in workplace and institutional investigations as well as organizational cultural reviews and assessments. Although based in Ottawa, Megan provides services to clients across Canada, including sporting associations, regulatory bodies and clubs.
Megan has significant experience dealing with complicated matters, including, lengthy complaints, complaints involving multiple parties, historical allegations, investigations where there is no formal complainant or where there is a significant power imbalance at play.
Based on Megan’s insight, organizations can meaningfully and proactively make the changes necessary to ensure that their members are able to live up to their athletic and personal potential.
Megan is a fair, thoughtful and impartial decision-maker who also exudes empathy and warmth. She has received training in anti-oppression, critical race theory and trauma-informed approaches and understands how trauma and the intersecting aspects of a person’s identity can impact their experience. Megan has a deep respect for the confidential nature of the information entrusted to her and always approaches her work with the utmost sensitivity.
Megan is a member of the Law Society of Ontario.

Andrea Lowes
Lawyer and Independent Investigator
Andrea conducts independent investigations into allegations of harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, fraud, privacy breaches, and other misconduct.
Andrea’s approach to all parties and witnesses is fair and trauma-informed. She builds rapport and ensures that each investigation is conducted with transparency, confidentiality and respect. Andrea produces defensible reports that clearly set out the evidence, detailed fact-finding, and analysis.
Andrea has extensive investigations experience in private practice, government oversight, and self-regulated professions. Her diverse professional background provides her with the skills necessary to address concerns ranging from the most straightforward, to those involving multiple parties and complex and sensitive issues.
Andrea is a member of the Law Society of Ontario

Paul Gee
Trauma informed investigation specialist, focused on harassment, violence and abuse
Paul is an experienced investigator with an excellent track record for gathering and analyzing evidence.
Prior to moving to Canada, Paul was a police officer in the UK for eleven years. Paul worked for both the Region of Peel and the City of Toronto before starting his own investigations company in 2022.
Paul is an exceptionally skilled and detailed investigator and is able to explain and summarize large amounts of information in an excellent report. Paul’s recent investigative work in the sport sector has included some very large and complex matters with multiple complainants and respondents.