Evidence Refresher: The Rule in Browne v. Dunn and its Application to Investigations

One of the unique facets of conducting independent investigations is that we really are the creators and drivers of each process. We are constantly making decisions about who to interview, in what order, and deciding which questions to ask. Although some policies or legislation provide a scripted investigations process, most of the time critical procedural […]
Comments on the 2024 Standing Committee Report

For those of working in sport investigations, the long-awaited Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage came out last week and this is a must read for anyone working in our field. https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/CHPC/report-12/page-5 The 21 recommendations, if followed, will fundamentally change how investigations operate. The Committee started in 2022 as a reaction to the […]
Current Issues in Canadian Safe Sport Investigations

Introduction It feels as though over the past few years almost every sport in Canada has had allegations of misconduct or human rights violations levelled against it. Whereas previously, certain sports were known to have particular problems, now it seems as though each week a different sport has been revealed as being problematic. Prospective sport […]
From the Boardroom to the Locker Room: Why Workplace Investigators Should Get to the Start Line of Sport Investigations

As Published in the AWI Journal/ Vol. 14 No. 2/ June 2023 https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.awi.org/resource/resmgr/files/awi_journal_/awi-journal-2023-06.pdf Transitioning from conducting workplace investigations to sport investigations will test your stamina and at times leave you breathless. “Sport investigations” covers a wide field and there is investigation work in amateur or local sport, high performance (all the way up to Olympic […]
Back to our Regular Programming: Why Investigators Should Return to In-Person Interviews

Over the past few weeks I have started some new investigations and the clients have insisted on in-person interviews. Initially I was concerned about giving up my Zoom hideaway/ interview perch that I had become so attached to after March 2020 when the world was sent home for the pandemic. But now that I have […]